Bonded Storage
When you choose HJM Logistics for your bonded storage, you’ll get the peace of mind that comes with knowing your goods are safe and secure until you decide to export or withdraw them. You can rest easy knowing that we’ll handle all the steps necessary to arrange the proper documentation with our dedicated customs officers.
Bonded Supply Chain
As a full-service freight forwarding company, we can work out shipping logistics, communicate with ports of departure and entry, act as a liaison between your business and necessary government entities, and make sure your goods receive the proper customs clearance.
HJM’s Bonded Benefits
Keeping imported goods in a bonded facility can help you better control your finances and make sound long-term business decisions and we can help you coordinate that to the fullest. Because you don’t have to pay duty when your merchandise arrive, there is less pressure to make immediate sales in order to recoup the duty cost.
You can keep your cargo stored until there is an increase in demand for your products and then proceed with the customs clearance and withdraw the cargo from the warehouses. You can also actively search for a domestic buyer, and if you are unable to find one, you can relocate your goods again to a place where they are needed without paying duty for it.